The LCCB Institutional Environmental Advocacy Program, in collaboration with the LCCB Supreme Student Government Committee on Regenerative Development, embarked on an essential mission to assess the progress of the LCCB Zero Single-Use Plastic Policy. This significant initiative aims to curb the excessive use of single-use plastics within the confines of the LCCB Food Center. Through a systematic evaluation process, the first formal monitoring event was organized to ensure compliance with the policy, promote sustainable practices, and foster environmental responsibility.

During the first formal monitoring session, each food stall at the LCCB Food Center underwent an evaluation based on several critical criteria and minor considerations. The major criteria focused on aspects like takeaway containers, beverage cups, straws, and utensils. The team assessed whether takeaway containers for food consisted of reusable or eco-friendly materials, offered alternatives to plastic, and whether beverage cups, including coffee cups, were made of non-plastic, environmentally friendly materials. Additionally, the presence of alternatives such as paper straws and whether stalls avoided using single-use plastic straws was examined. The type of utensils used was also analyzed, with a focus on whether they were made of reusable or biodegradable materials rather than single-use plastic. Stalls that fail to meet these major criteria will be issued notices of violation.
In addition to these, four minor criteria were considered during the evaluation. The team examined whether condiment packets, such as ketchup and mayonnaise, were provided in non-plastic, eco-friendly packaging, whether stalls sold bottled beverages in glass, aluminum, or other non-plastic containers, and whether products like biscuits, chips, or snacks were packaged in non-plastic materials. Furthermore, the evaluation focused on any visible efforts made by the stalls to promote the use of alternative, non-single-use plastic packaging. These comprehensive criteria, encompassing both major and minor considerations, were instrumental in evaluating the feasibility of a complete phase-out of single-use plastics at the LCCB Food Center while encouraging environmentally responsible practices.

It is important to note that the LCCB Zero Single-Use Plastic Policy included exemptions for water bottles and bottled beverages. These items were exempted from the policy because they are easily recycled and contribute to the LCCB Plastic Recycling Advocacy.
Under this program, used water bottles and bottled beverages are collected and turned over to Subay Marketing, Inc, a partner organization dedicated to supporting the LCCB Plastic Recycling Advocacy. Subay Marketing, Inc converts these plastics into innovative products such as school chairs, among other environmentally conscious items. This partnership not only ensures that these plastics are recycled effectively but also contributes to sustainability efforts, reducing the environmental impact of plastic waste.
Following the first formal monitoring, it was found that one out of the seven stalls had violated the criteria regarding the provision of reusable utensils. In response to this violation, the stall was issued a notice of violation and given a grace period to fully implement the suggested corrective measures.

The LCCB IEAP and the LCCB SSG Committee on Regenerative Development are committed to upholding the integrity of the Zero Single-Use Plastic Policy. To ensure continuous compliance and progress, they have scheduled bi-monthly monitoring sessions. This proactive approach demonstrates the dedication of LCCB in fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility within the institution.
In conclusion, the first formal monitoring of the LCCB Zero Single-Use Plastic Policy signifies a significant step towards the reduction of plastic waste at the LCCB Food Center. With the collaborative efforts of the LCCB IEAP and the LCCB SSG Committee on Regenerative Development, this initiative strives to create a more sustainable and eco-conscious environment for all members of the LCCB community, while simultaneously supporting innovative recycling programs that benefit the environment and the community. #lccbIEAP #lccbSSG #GreenerLCCB