In celebration of Earth Day 2024, the LCCB Institutional Environmental Advocacy Program and the LCCB National Service Training Program organized their 2nd Semester Mangrove Growing and Site Monitoring Activity at the LCCB Adopted Mangrove Site in Sitio Can-itom, Brgy. Sampinit, Bago City. The event took place on April 20, 2024.
The activity saw active participation from the Society of Innovators, Programmers, and Designers of the LCCB School of Business and Information Technology. Together, the groups managed to plant 500 mangroves, enhancing the local ecosystem and contributing to the fight against climate change.

This endeavor was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the LCCB Institutional Environmental Advocacy Program, the LCCB National Service Training Program, and the Society of Innovators, Programmers, and Designers. Their dedication to environmental conservation has been evident in their continued commitment to such initiatives.
Expressing gratitude, the LCCB IEAP & NSTP extended their gratitude to the Bago City Environment Management Office for their invaluable partnership in maintaining the mangrove site since 2019. This ongoing collaboration highlights the importance of community involvement and government support in preserving and protecting our environment.

The event not only contributed to the protection of the local ecosystem but also served as a reminder of the importance of Earth Day, encouraging all to take action in preserving our planet for future generations. As climate change continues to pose significant challenges, such initiatives play a crucial role in mitigating its effects.

Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22nd, serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve the planet for future generations. The LCCB’s Mangrove Growing and Site Monitoring Activity exemplifies the spirit of Earth Day, highlighting the power of collective action in fostering environmental sustainability. 🌊🐾🌳 #EarthDay2024 #PlanetVsPlastics #ProtectOurPlanet #lccbIEAP #GreenerLCCB