Last October 14, 2023, the LCCB National Service Training Program embarked on an insightful journey of self-improvement and community betterment.The Seminar-Workshop on First Aid, Basic Life Support, and Drug Education was an extraordinary event that brought together our #LCCianNationBuilders to learn, share, and grow.

A significant highlight of the day was the partnership with two remarkable organizations. Dr. Cermegie C. Saliba, a distinguished representative of the Bacolod Chamber Volunteer Fire Brigade, led an engaging session on First Aid and Basic Life Support. Her expertise and passion illuminated the room, equipping attendees with life-saving skills that can make a difference in emergency situations.

Simultaneously, PLtCol. Sherlock C. Gabana, from the Bacolod City Police Office Community Affairs and Development Unit, spearheaded the enlightening session on Drug Education. Participants were captivated by his insights into the complexities of substance abuse and its impact on our community, paving the way for informed decisions and a drug-free future.

The photos captured during this event portray the dedication, enthusiasm, and collective spirit of everyone involved. We witnessed a community coming together to create a safer and healthier environment, one where each individual is better prepared to handle emergencies and make informed choices about their well-being.

As we reflect on these moments, let us remember that knowledge is power. The wisdom gained during the seminar-workshop is a torch that will continue to light our path toward a more resilient and empowered community. Together, we stand stronger, wiser, and ready to face whatever challenges come our way.
Photos by: Franzi Grande and Joey Petrola, LCCB NSTP Creative Media Press Corps
#lccbNSTP #LCCianNationBuilders #LCCBNSTPBatchHiraya