In the heart of La Consolacion College Bacolod, anticipation mounts as the Senior High School Graduation Ceremony draws near. Among the esteemed speakers chosen to inspire and motivate the graduating...
John Becaro’s path from La Consolacion College Bacolod to digital illustration is a testament to dedication and passion. As a working scholar and student leader, he honed his skills and found...
ILOG, Negros Occidental – A collaborative art project between the Fine Arts Department of La Consolacion College, the Philippine National Police in Sitio Malabong, and the Municipality of Ilog...
BACOLOD CITY, Philippines – Faculty and staff of La Consolacion College Bacolod participated in a Lenten Recollection on Wednesday, March 27, organized by the Center for Spirituality and...
In honor of Women’s Month, the Professional Practice 2 classes, led by Architects Roger Andre Aguilar and Marie Donna Mabaquiao, orchestrated a poignant event aimed at shedding light on the...
March 22, 2024 – Tomorrow marks the unveiling of “Maragtason,” an art exhibition set to captivate audiences with its portrayal of Philippine history through the eyes of Fine Arts...