Kamila Victoria Anne E. Espelita is the region’s “Most Promising” student journalist in Science & Technology writing and “Promising” student journalist in Feature writing in the PIA Journ Talk Series 2021 High School Edition sponsored by the Philippine Information Agency last October 13-15, 2021. The competition was part of the journalism workshop which was participated by over a hundred secondary level students from various public and private schools in Western Visayas.
Espelita wrote a human interest feature in the new normal featuring the Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (CEST) Program and Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program of the Department of Science and Technology.
Espelita is the Associate Editor of Plumeria, the student publication of the Senior High School.

Kamila Victoria Anne E. Espelita completed Junior High School in the Integrated School. She’s now in Grade 12 pursuing the STEM track.